Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Reflective Journal Entry #1

Where I Am Professionally In Relation to Media Literacy and Technology

Having been evaluated this past year by my principal, the Ontario College of Teachers Standards of Practice is still fresh in my mind. While this educator does not look forward to the evaluation and forced reflection; once it is done, I always feel good about myself and my progress as a professional educator and life-long learner. Because this past year was the first year I choose, with the support of my administration, to change my traditional Computer Technology course to Media Literacy, a great deal of my evaluation, observation, and reflection was around teaching media. Where I am professionally in relation to media right now would be described as heavy on production with just a dash of theory sprinkled here and there. I’m very proud of some of the media products and activities my students in grades 6-8 worked on this past year. The students were interested, motivated and engaged in what they were being asked to create using the technology in our computer lab.

Below are some of my competencies relating to technology and media literacy.


1.1 Demonstrates commitment to the well-being and development of all pupils

4. Effectively motivates students to improve student learning

I find that I motivate students by using technology in my teaching as much as possible. Students enjoy the authentic products they are asked to construct using technology (i.e. designing a media poster using PhotoShop or a P.S.A. using MovieMaker). Most products are assigned in the form of a contest which also motivates the students to do well. Last year I used an interactive white board, for the first time, to further motivate the students.

6. Models and promotes the joy of learning

I am not afraid to learn new software programs with the students as well as new hardware. Last year I learned more about Photoshop from workshops (ECOO conference) but also from a grade 8 student (Kevin) who has taught me and the other students how to use some of the tools. I also learned two exciting programs, “Comic Life” which allowed us to create comic strips and “MovieMaker” which allowed us to edit video. Finally, students saw me learning to use the Smart Board throughout the school year.


2.1 Knows his/her subject matter, the Ontario curriculum and education-related legislation

42. Teaches the Ontario curriculum by exhibiting an understanding and ability to explain subject areas

When I have to teach a new subject (last year Grade 6 Social Studies and Grades 6-8 Media Literacy) I always start with the Ontario Curriculum documents. For social studies I also used the internet and a social studies professor at Brock University as a resource for my course outline. For Media Literacy, I took a 3 day workshop last summer, a large number of websites, and A Guide to Effective Literacy Instruction Volume 7 Media Literacy

45. Uses a variety of effective resources to enhance learning

-I regularly use E-Workshop and E-Learning Ontario, both are online databases with lessons and activities for students K-12 in all curriculum areas.
-I also visit a number of websites for Media Literacy, including:
TeacherTube and YouTube
Center for Media Literacy
Media Awareness Network
Concerned Children’s Advertisers
Ad Busters
In class I use videos, websites, pictures, picture books, textbooks, articles, software and computers


3.2 Communicates effectively with pupils, parents, and colleagues

97. Provides ongoing feedback to parents, for example, through newsletters and bulletins

I have a BLOG for students, parents and teachers to access. In the blog I have current lessons with the resources being used as well as long range plans. I also have polls and feedback forms for students to provide input.

3.5 Uses appropriate technology in his/her teaching practices and related professional responsibilities

119. Uses technology appropriately to improve efficiency and effectiveness in planning, instructional delivery, reporting procedures and decision-making

I use technology to create my long range plans, unit plans and lesson plans. Most of my lessons are posted on my BLOG.
I use technology in most of my lessons. If I am sharing a picture book, I scan the pictures so that I can show the pictures as I read the story.
I use MarkBook to record all assessment and evaluation and using the Online Reporting to create reports.

120. Models and promotes effective use of technology to promote student learning

-use a variety of software with students:
MS Word, Excel, Power Point, Geometer’s Sketchpad, Inspiration, Photoshop, and this year Comic Life and MovieMaker.
-use a data projector to teach lessons, show videos and share projects
-use an interactive whiteboard


4.1 Collaborates with other teachers and school colleagues to create and sustain learning communities in the classroom and in the school

130. Plans worthwhile professional development activities for school-based professional development days

· Train staff on reporting software
· Provide PD for teachers on TEL
· Provide PD on the Smart Board
· Gave E-teacher Workshops at ECOO Conferences in 2003 and 2004


5.1 Engages in ongoing professional learning and applies it to improve his/her teaching practice

153. Identifies areas for professional growth, attends workshops, appropriate seminars or courses to respond to changes in education/policies and practices and effectively applies information to enhance teaching practices

I actively participate in and learn from various workshops/AQ:
-Media Literacy Part One
-ECOO Conference on Smart Board and Comic Life Software
-OFIP sessions on literacy (specifically reading)
-OFIP sessions on math
-Summer Institutes on Media Literacy
-Summer Institutes on Elementary Math
-Summer Institutes on Integrating Technology in the Classroom

163. Taps into websites that describe best practices, acquires successful teaching strategies and applies to teaching practices

-I regularly use E-Workshop and E-Learning Ontario, both are online databases with lessons and activities for students K-12 in all curriculum areas.